Olympia Baylou
Aug 4, 2018
Expectation | My Expectation!
School is going to start in another week, and I will be back greeting students as they walk into my classroom. This will be the very...
Olympia Baylou
Jul 28, 2018
Green | Bring The Green!
I would guess most everyone has heard of the saying, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Sadly, a lot of people...
Olympia Baylou
Jul 21, 2018
SLR | Social Life Resuscitation
Living a healthy lifestyle can at times require a good deal of effort. I’m not just talking about eating more good stuff and less bad...
Olympia Baylou
Jul 14, 2018
Public Speaking| Don't Sweat It!
What it is about public speaking that makes most people develop speech anxiety? Why do speakers experience shaking hands, butterflies in...
Olympia Baylou
Jul 7, 2018
Poise | Graceful And Elegant Bearing in A Person.
Some years ago, I enrolled my daughters in ballet lessons. My oldest daughter always like dancing, and was very good at it. Sitting...
Olympia Baylou
Jun 30, 2018
Range Rover | If It's Good Enough For The Queen!
Most of my closest family and friends know I drive a Land Rover Range Rover, but what they don’t know is why I chose to purchase a Range...
Olympia Baylou
Oct 14, 2017
Sarasota Etiquette | Manners, Decorum, Protocol, and Etiquette Classes In Sarasota
Sarasota Etiquette Classes
Olympia Baylou
Jun 17, 2017
Quinceanera| Are you ready for etiquette training?
The quinceañera is a celebration for Latin American girls who, turning fifteen, are honored as an introduction into her community and...
Olympia Baylou
Jun 3, 2017
Debutantes | Debutante Etiquette Training!
For debutantes to gain entrance to a ball, the debutantes must be recommended by a distinguished committee or sponsored by an established...